
DIY Project Ideas: 10 Great Uses for Shredded Paper

Interior Decoration Design

DIY Project Ideas: 10 Great Uses for Shredded Paper

Allow me to confess: even if I know I should be doing something, I have a hard time actually doing it unless I get myself jazzed about doing it. So while I should shred most of my mail to protect my privacy, I won’t actually do it… unless I think about how much I want to make, say, a DIY shredded paper bowl!

Here are some of our favorite projects made from shredded paper.

TOP ROW: 1. Build a Bowl: paper mache bowl by Splish Splash Splatter 2. Fill Easter Baskets: basket with shredded paper grass by Thar She Sews 3. Strew Festively: party decorations by All Put Together 4. Customize Paper Lanterns: lantern by Reduce, Reuse, Redecorate 5. Let Kids Create: winter animals by Make and Takes

BOTTOM ROW: 6. Store Breakables Safely: ornament packaging by Henry Happened 7. Fill Gift Bags: shredded paper filling by In My Own Style 8. Cushion a Care Package: packing material by Papercut Kitchen 9. Supplement Your Compost: Sierra Club’s Mr. Green gives composting shredded paper a thumbs-up . 10. Cover Your Grand Piano: just kidding, this is actually part of The Junk Mail Project , a very thoughtful work by Barbara Hashimoto .